Originally, I set up this blog with the express purpose of exposing animal rights organisations which are conning genuine animal rights acitivists and animal lovers (well anyone who cares about the lives of animals, really), gaining their support when really their policies are working against the animals they are claiming to protect and help. However, whilst compiling my first essay for this blog, I decided I did not want this blog to be single issue and would rather tackle a wide range of animal rights and anti-vivisection issues.

This blog is named “Vivisection exposed” due to the fact vivisection is the issue which first drew me into the animal rights movement and I wish to use this blog to challenge many of the lies and misconceptions which have slowly taken the place of real science and true medical history.

There are many issues which show themselves every day which are not only an abuse of our fellow creatures with whom we share this Earth but abuses of our fundamental human rights too. If we cannot afford our own species the fundamental rights which should be given without conscious thought or discussion, then what hope do we have of saving and protecting our non-human bretheren? For this reason, I intend to challenge the indoctrination which occurs within our society responsible for breeding the next generations of animal abusers, and to reinforce a long held belief – that the abuse of animals leads to the abuse of human beings. I also wish to tackle the issue of vivisection, as previously mentioned, on scientific and medical grounds as ethics can play so easily into the hands of the vivisectors. The meat, dairy and egg trade is also a brutal business which abuses billions of animals each year as they are kept in horrendous conditions – not only is this an awful reflection on what human kind has become but also goes some way to explaining the general desentisation of so many human beings. There are so many abuses of non-human animals which take place everyday, and these have far reaching ramifications – I wish to bring these to your attention.

I believe that we have had many great people join the animal rights and anti-vivisection movement throughout history but the one who has been most influential to me has been Hans Ruesch. As this blog progresses, I hope to reinforce much of the information and methods Hans Ruesch employed in his search for the truth as I believe he is the most influential character we have had the honour to join us in our fight to expose the truth which eludes us so many times in our society.

~ Holly

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